

  nomos手表是一款德国著名的品牌,手表的工程设计都有相关的专利,所以设计到制造的工艺都是的,Glashütte 腕表的传奇之延续;一直以来,它的机芯均以自主设计,研发,制造;在世界钟表行业,诸多的腕表制造商都知道,它的工程设计是无法从第三方买到的;它也是世界上为数不多的几个拥有自主知识产权,和拥有自主设计,研发,制造机芯能力的厂家之一。


  自原东德的 Nomos 腕表,位于拥有百年腕表制造历史的 Saxony Glashütte,Glashütte 的钟表匠们以巧夺天工的手艺制造出品质卓越、设计独特的手工机械表,而 Nomos一目瞭然的设计意识即在每一支腕表的性能与可读性上「表」露无遗。

  Nomos 工厂所在之处 Glashütte,是一处拥有百年历史的钟表制作小镇,它的传奇可追溯到 Saxony 钟表制造业创始者 Ferdinand Adolph Lange (1815-1875) 和他的儿子。

  1845 年 Lange 在 Glashütte 建立一座制造腕表的工厂,他依照自我对品质的独特想法亲自教导员工,又帮助很多人建立属于自己的工作室。

  短短数年间,由 Lange 所制造的机械装置以及精密计时器就成为”高度准确”的同意词,甚至获得瑞士腕表企业家的赏识。

  在十九世纪 Glashütte 就以制造高品质的华丽腕表而闻名,当时人们就说:「Glashütte 的 Lange 腕表不是为了大量生产而制造的。」事实上 Lange 的怀表确实奢华富丽,就像一只错综复杂的精致艺术品,只有富豪才买的起。

  A mechanical watch lives and dies by its movement. The make-up of the caliber determines the quality of a watch’s craftsmanship and decides whether a producer can call itself a manufacturer or not. Since the movements are what lie at the heart of its watches, NOMOS Glashütte constructs them itself. Nothing can be taken for granted in the world of watches, not even cases with timepieces that are much more expensive than those at NOMOS. The numbers speak for themselves: There are less than 20 companies that produce their own calibers worldwide.

  Between 75 and 95 percent of the value added to a NOMOS caliber is done directly in Glashütte—an extremely high amount, since the law only stipulates a minimum of 50 percent in order to qualify for the Glashütte label. It is only certain specific pieces, such as the rubies used as jewel bearings or the Incabloc shock protection, which our watchmaking workshops must obtain from third parties.

  At NOMOS, production is carried out according to the criteria of theDeutscher Werkbund. The utilization of modern lasers and CNC machines is supplemented with a high level of handcraft, which rests on a century long tradition of watchmaking. Whether in manually wound or automatic movements, the fine perlage and polishing of the components ensure that it is always a pleasure to observe the watch’s inner workings through its sapphire crystal glass back. Furthermore, all NOMOS calibers are famed for their extraordinary precision—they are adjusted in six itions in order to achieve the best results.


  Telephone +49 35053 4040

  Fax +49 35053 40480


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